
Kenpo Karate - Lil’ Dragons

Age: 3 - 6

Our Lil’ Dragons class focuses on a simplified version of our Kenpo Karate. The student works through a full belt system including basics, pad work, self defense, and forms . When the student gets to the final level, they graduate to a Black/Yellow Belt which allows them to enter the bigger kids class as a Yellow Belt.

Kenpo Karate - Kids

Age: 7 - 13

This class is designed for kids and is focused around self defense, sparring, and forms. Friday class also focuses on weapons training and sparring (additional rank and equipment is required). Kids in this group work through a belt system from White Belt up to their Jr. Black Belt. After turning 16 years of age, they may work to their full adult Black Belt.

Kenpo Karate - Adult

Age: 14 and up

This class uses the same curriculum as the Kids Class, but at a more advanced level. Advancing through nine levels from White to Black belt. It also goes deeper into the concepts and drills, as well as situations, more likely to occur in adulthood. This class covers self defense, sparring, forms, and weapon.

Brazilian JiuJitsu - Lil’ Ninjas

Age: 4 - 6

The curriculum at this level focuses more on games and learning the techniques while having fun! The student advances from White Belt to 3 levels of Gray Belt (Gray/White - Gray - Gray/Black). Upon turning 7 years old, the student moves into our Kids BJJ class with any rank they may have attained.

Brazilian JiuJitsu - Kids

Age: 7 - 13

This class is primarily grappling based. It focuses on takedowns and throws, ground fighting, and locks and holds for self defense. Our Kids BJJ system works through separate belt levels from White - Gray - Yellow - Orange - Green (with up to 3 sub levels in-between).

Brazilian JiuJitsu - Adult

Age: 14 and up

Our Adult Brazilian JiuJitsu classes focus on ground fighting skills; from self defense, distance management, takedowns, throws, grappling, submission locks, holds, and chokes. Under International Brazilian JiuJitsu Federation guidelines, ages 16 and up may obtain rank from White to Blue - Purple - Brown - Black Belt.

Kickboxing - Kids

Age: 7 - 13

Originally derived as a sporting version for our Kenpo Karate; our Kids Kickboxing focuses on American Kickboxing. Under these rules, kicks and punches are above the waist. The focus is on kicks and punches only; with no throws, sweeps, catches, knees, or elbows.

Kickboxing - Adult

Age: 14 and up

This class is primarily focused on International Rules Kickboxing. In this style, emphasis is placed primarily on striking. Practitioners may kick to the inside and outside of the thighs, strike with punches and kicks above the waist and to the head. No kick catches, sweeps, throws, knees, or elbows are allowed under these rules. Occasionally, we may practice and spar under other rule sets as well; such as Muay Thai, Kenpo Rules, Sanda, Boxing, etc…, depending on various fights or events that a student or students may be competing in.

Catch Wrestling - Adults

Age: 13 and up

One of the parent arts of Brazilian JiuJitsu, Catch Wrestling is a submission wrestling system that focuses on top control, wrestling into positions, and achieving a pin or hook (submissions). Training involves takedowns, breakdowns, rides, pins, and hooks. This style of grappling transfers very well to other grappling arts and MMA!

Trial month required before regular membership.